Curt & Helen Snyder
2101 Little Buffalo Rd
Newport, PA 17074
7 1 7-9 7 9- 6 0 4 4
helen@starfirenubians. com

SGCH Starfire's WFBC Angelia 4*M EX92 EEEE
20 Times Best Doe in Show
Thank you for visiting our site! We have been raising dairy goats since 1973, getting our first registered goats in 1978. Our first two registered goats were a purebred Toggenburg and a Recorded Grade Nubian who was the granddaughter to the great ++*B GCH Cadillac Ramo Pats R. While we no longer have grade or American Nubians, we were certainly fortunate to have had a good start. Through the years, we have bred 20 Supreme Grand Champions, 26 Grand Champions, 16 Supreme Genetic animals, 6 Champions, Top Ten does, high placing does at Nationals and four animals accepted at the prestigious Spotlight Sale, including the highest selling Nubian in 2000, SG Starfire's OGDS Ceres who was #1 on the Top Ten list for her 2002 lactation of 4730 pounds of milk. We have been awarded HERD OF DISTINCTION by ADGA and among the top 2% of herds in the country and in 2022 I was recognized as an ADGA PIONEER. We have exported our animals to many countries around the world and many have reached international notoriety like Ceres half-brother being one of the top bucks in Brazil.
Although we have raised most of the breeds through the years, my heart always has and always will be with the Nubians. We started with the backyard family milkers, to having a Grade A dairy for 18 years, to now having a small core of animals that must conform to our standards for type and production. A few years back we sold most of our best animals and many in large groups. Early in 2012, our herd was smaller than it has been for years, and the fire seemed to be burning out, that is until the opportunity to purchase some of the best of the Dancers Ridge does came up. We bought them all! I have always loved Thiry's does and jumped to add these beautiful animals to our herd and in the process sparked both our crazy love/obsession for these beautiful creatures. We still work back and forth and each time we are together, we get excited about breedings all over again, but I continue to try to keep the herd small. Lately the herd is taking on a different look...way higher buck to doe ratio! Normally, I hate buck smell, but we have brought in more bucks for export semen so I'm learning to love them...well, sort of...
Our does not only must be competitive in the show ring, they have to milk. We use the milk to make cheese and other milk products for our own use and those of our family. I milked does for 20 years straight with no dry days. We did not dry off all the does as some herds do, we stagger breedings to have milk year-round. After 20 years for some odd reason, we had a month off and then continued to milk another 10+ years or so. The older I get, the more the winters here in PA are taking a toll on me. For the past couple of years, we have been drying off over the winter and actually liking it. I hate not having the milk, but it is working for me. Milk records have suffered but after all these years, I can live with it. Having heavy milking Toggs who refuse to dry off has put a crimp in my winters but having those Top Ten records has made it worth it.
A $100 deposit is required to reserve any kids with balance due within 14 days of notification of birth. If arrangements are not made and balance has not been paid within 14 days, the deposit will be forfeited, and the kid will be offered to the next person in line. Prices quoted on this site are for pre-ordered kids only. Orders will be on a first come, first serve basis. If your choice is not born and you do not wish to transfer your deposit to another selection, we will refund your deposit. No refunds on canceled orders. All testing and health certificates and shipping and shipping fees are the responsibility of the buyer. Domestic shipping is out of Harrisburg International Airport. Exports are flown out of JFK or Dulles. For more information on exports, you can call or email me anytime.
Our herd is CAE, CL and Johnes negative. We also routinely test animals for export requirements including other less common diseases like Chlamydia, Blue Tongue, and Q-Fever, always testing negative.
A word about G6S; We do not test for G6S and will not until there is more research to prove that the gene found in Nubians is actually linked to a genetic defect that is actually a problem within the breed. Frosty Marvin is a carrier of this gene and back then most herds linebred and inbred on that buck. My herd is founded on him and his offspring. If anyone would have seen a genetic defect in their herd, it would be me. I have never had any such symptoms as described and also know no other long term Nubian herds who have seen this disorder. I think it is ridiculous to discard superior genetics on the extremely slight chance of a defect. So, if anyone out there wants to dump their Marvin semen, give me a call. I'd love to use it!!!
We prefer not to wean your kid, but if the kid(s) are here, there is a $200 a month fee to milk feed your kid. For exports, there is a $5 per head, per day, care fee. There is an additional fee of $1 a day after testing is completed and Federal Charts are signed, and no shipping is scheduled.
Please give us a call or e-mail us if you have any further questions or would like more information. Again, thank you for visiting our site!
SGCH Starfire's DRH Pasiphae 5*M EX92 EEEE